Monday, June 30, 2008

Know Your Call and Answer It

Let me share with you a secret to succeeding in life. Don't ever try to please everyone. If I try to please all people's expectations, I need to be Bill Gates, Francis of Assisi, John Rockefeller and Clark Kent rolled into one. But I'm not all these characters. God created me to be a person with my own set of strengths, weaknesses and idiosyncrasies. Know your call. And answer it.

- Bo Sanchez

Endure Trials without Falling

I remember sitting beside a man on the plane. He had worked in Saudi, saved to buy a piece of property in Mabalacat, Pampanga. And after a year, Mt. Pinatubo deluged his crops, his house, his carabao and his family. The suffering he experienced has been caused by the decaying world we live in. But in the midst of these natural calamities, it is when our faith succeeds in facing such trials that we can endure without falling.

- Bo Sanchez


Do you know that the lovely pearls that women put in their earrings and necklaces are accidents? That pearls are caused by dirt getting inside the oyster shell. In the same way, God uses the dirt that enters our lives and produces within us a pearl, our hearts that love more purely and trust more fully. So have faith. Problems produce pearls.

- Bo Sanchez

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Don't be too materialistic

Yesterday, I met an acquaintance, an executive, earning oodles of money a year. Yet he was in debt. I told him to sell his sleek car, his branded watch. He told me he couldn't live without them. I went home feeling very rich in my Divisoria jeans. It was I who was living a good life.

- Bo Sanchez

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dont take life too seriously

Laughter is one of the simplest, inexpensive, drug-free stress-reduction gifts of the universe. Experience the healing energy of laughter. Norman Cousin labeled laughter as "inner jogging'. He credibly claims that his cancer was healed by laughter. Don't take life too seriously.

- Bo Sanchez

Let small problems remain small

Has someone criticized you unfairly? Did it rain during your outdoor party? Has a friend taken you for granted? Has another car just cut you in traffic? You could decide to make a big issue out of it or you could choose the simple path. The choice is really yours. Let small problems remain small.

- Bo Sanchez

Take care of yourself

I've been a semi-vegetarian for almost 6 years now. I eat fruits, vegetables and I feel terrific. I'm not asking you to be a vegetarian. I'm recommending that you simplify your eating habits. The closer the food is to its original form from the ground, the better.

- Bo Sanchez

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sleep well and take naps

I think we get into useless temptation to sin because we don't get enough rest, relaxation and sleep. There are 2 phases of sleep: the 'deep sleep' which takes care of our physical fatigue, and the 'dream sleep' which takes care of our mental fatigue. We get tempted to impatience, irritability, laziness and lust because we're too tired. Good reason to sleep well and take naps, dont you think?

- Bo Sanchez

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Life is Good

There are some things in life I deeply enjoy. Like standing atop a serene mountain breathing in God's beauty or simply reading a delicious book that I can't put down. Or being hugged by a child. Or eating ice cream with friends. But there is one specific thing I do which I find exquisitely sweet. It's saying 'thanks' to special people. It's having abundant opportunities to genuinely love. Life is good when you love.


'Regret for time wasted can become a power for good in the time that remains. And the time that remains is time enough, if we will only stop the waste and idle, useless regretting.' - Arthur Brisbane

I made myself a promise today to put an end to the phrases 'woulda, coulda, shoulda' in my life.

You and I were created for a purpose

We need to live by this vision. But to be aflame by a vision for the long term, we need oil. That oil is the core values written in our soul. We need to live by those values: Love for self, neighbor and for our God. Dont burn out, burn up!

- Bo Sanchez

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

People think Failure is an Event, It's Not!

Failure is just like success, it's a day to day process, not someplace you arrive one day. Failure is not a one time event, it's how you deal with life along the way.

Embrace your Fear

I don't know what your fears are but I know mine. But I learned the hard way that I need to allow myself to feel that fear everytime it comes and befriend it. I don't shoo it away, I don't escape, and I don't forget about it, I don't drown it with ice cream and a TV sitcom. I embrace my fear. Accepting my brokenness has made me a healthier human being.

People think Failure is Avoidable, well It's NOT!

You've probably heard the saying, 'To err is human, to forgive divine'. Things today are the same as they were then: People make mistakes. Don't buy into the notion that mistakes can somehow be avoided. They can't be. Accept that you will err because you're human, but don't let that keep you from pursuing your dreams.

Try just one more time

Thomas Edison had more than a thousand failed experiments before he invented the light bulb. A thousand! It was he who said, 'Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.' He reaped the fruit of that principle as he has, aside from the light bulb - 1,092 inventions under his name.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Inspiring Story

One day, a man was talking a train ride feeling dejected. He wasn't accepted at this writing job he was applying for. On the train, this man was doodling in his note pad and a little mouse was born on that piece of paper. That mouse's name was Mickey, and that man's name was Walt Disney ;)

Reject the Rejection

You won't close every sale, no matter what you do. Some people won't like you. In fact, along the way, you'll get lambasted, criticized. In a word, you'll be rejected. Well, I have news for you: Reject the Rejection. Because somewhere near the door that just shut you'll find an open door.

- Bo Sanchez

Someone needs what you have

You have something that people need. This is why people like you and me can make a living, work in jobs and earn a profit. 'Having something that people need' is the foundation of any trade. Somewhere out there, someone needs what you have.

- Bo Sanchez

Make Yourself Valuable

Believe that you have value and you have something to give to the world. All individuals who earn good money are people who have found ways to add worth and value to their lives. I'm not just talking about entrepreneurs.

Say 'Thank You' often

Years ago, I remember getting terribly sick when I was a kid. Mom went up to my room with food, clothes, medicine and prayers. It felt good having a mother to watch over me. But I noticed she got so tired the past few days caring for me. One day, Mom got sick. So I went to her, chatted about everything she wanted to talk about. It was my turn to care for her. Say 'Thank You' often.

- Bo Sanchez

Manifest Encouragement

When a person feels encouraged, he can face impossible and overcome incredible adversity. Adams called it, 'oxygen to the soul'. Wolfgang Von Goethe wrote, 'Correction does much, but encouragement after censure is as the sun after a shower'.

Everyday, Every Single Day

I now realize that the reason I can do all those thrilling, exciting, exhilarating stuff is because I do the boring basics every single day of my life. Everyday, I'm grateful. Everyday, I think positive. Everyday, I love. Every single day.

- Bo Sanchez

Being Somebody

Everybody wants to be regarded and valued by others. In other words, everybody wants to be somebody. Once that piece of information becomes a part of your everyday thinking, you'll gain incredible insight into why people do the things they do.

Humps and Potholes

Aside from traffic, there are two other things that makes vehicles go slow: HUMPS and POTHOLES. Potholes are problems that come suddenly, no one warns you they're coming. And your whole life goes kabloom and kablagblag. Humps, on the other hand, are deliberately made by you. A quiet time for prayer each day. A personal retreat every year. Take a lot of humps, perhaps potholes won't come as often.

- Bo Sanchez

Monday, June 09, 2008

Listening Shows Respect

Dr. Joyce Brothers said, 'Listening, not imitation, maybe the sincerest form of flattery.' Whenever you don't pay attention to what others have to say, you send them the message that you don't value them. Paul Tillich commented, 'The first duty of Love is to Listen.'

I agree :)

Visualize Success

It's been said that a person can live 40 days without food, 4 days without water, 4 minutes without air, but only 4 seconds without hope.

Each time you cast a vision for others and paint a picture of their future success, you give them reasons to keep going.

I love listening to people

When I sit beside anyone. I pick their brains and explore their world. I believe that every person that I get to know is God's special invitation for me to grow, to expand, to love. But only if I listen enough.

- Bo Sanchez

Instill Confidence

Others are not that determined. Some will collapsed at the first sign of trouble. To give them a push and inspire them, you need to keep showing your confidence in them. Even when they're making mistakes or doing poorly.

- Maxwell

Go and Win

Winning is motivating. David Ambrose acknowledged, 'If you have the will to win, you have achieved half your success; if you don't, you have achieved half you failure!' Coming alongside others to help them experience some wins with you give them reasons to believe they will succeed.

- Maxwell

Complaining is Useless

It's a total waste of energy, time and saliva. I'm too busy making this country great by the little things that I do everyday.

- Bo Sanchez

Choose what you want to become

You can be happy, loving and successful if you choose to be happy, loving and successful. By your choices, you decide your destiny. God has placed your life in your hands. Don't let things happen to you. Choose what you want to become! Nothing is impossible with God!

- Bo Sanchez

Sunday, June 08, 2008

All of us prepare our own lunch. If we don't like our jobs, the state of our relationships, what's happening to our spiritual lives, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Because God has given us free will.

- Bo Sanchez

Be Yourself

The most difficult thing in the world is to be who you are not. Pretending and trying to be someone else is the official pastime of the human race. And the easiest thing in the world is to be yourself. Be happy! Live!

- Bo Sanchez

Express your Love

Take time to express your love and appreciation for the people close to you. Tell them how much they mean to you. Don't ever assume that people know how you feel about them. Tell them. Nobody can be told too often that he or she is loved.

Life isn't about trying to be an expert in everything. It's about being an expert in one thing and offering it to the world. I've accepted the fact that because I'm human, I'm terrific in one thing, good at some, mediocre at a bit more, and terrible at others. And if you're human, you are too.

You'll have to discover the one thing that you are good at and major in it. What are the primary gifts that God had blessed you with? Answer that question well and you're one step closer to a life of peace, excitement and joy.

- Bo Sanchez

Try Again

Failures in life are courses with very high tuition fees. So I don't cut classes and miss my lessons: On Humility. On Patience. On Hope. On Asking Others for Help. On Listening to God. On Trying Again. On Trying Again and Again and Again..

Be Yourself

Some people want to shed a few pounds to look like Ally McBeal while others want to gain some baby fat to look like Drew Barrymore. Around the world, people aren't happy with their bodies and how we look. Listen carefully. The easiest thing in the world is to be yourself. There must be a reason why God made you tall or short or fat or thin or bumpy all over. And I guarantee you'll be happier with your life.

- Bo Sanchez

Everything happens in life are lessons

I realized that everything happens in life are lessons. In other words, put your bucket of tears to good use. Use your tears to make you more mature, stronger, wiser. Always ask yourself the question, 'What is this experience teaching me?' Learn all you can..

- Bo Sanchez

Life Oh Life..

Yes, life is a journey with lots and lots and lots of waiting. And it seems as if nothing is happening right now. We need to enjoy that journey, to relish, taste, celebrate, and breathe in all the waiting, all the detours, all the craziness, all the misfires, and failures, and bruises.

- Bo Sanchez

God's Therapy

Are you going through big problems right now? Through your trials, God is giving you painful therapy. But only so that He can save you from greater pain. The pain of a bigger problem. The pain of losing your faith. Whatever it is, embrace God's therapy.

- Bo Sanchez

Fulfill your Dreams

You can fulfill your dreams! Because your past does not define your future.

- Bo Sanchez

Value Yourself!

Put a little garnish. Have some style. Create ambience in your life. Be five-star! No, I'm not talking about luxury. I'm talking about enjoying life. About breathing with passion. Sing. Dance. Dream..

- Bo Sanchez

Live your life with presentation

Don't just be functional. Don't be a 'get this day over with' person. Don't be so goal-oriented and job-obsessed you no longer open yourself up to the rich blessings that God pours onto you at every moment of life.

- Bo Sanchez


There are days when God doesn't bless us with what we're asking for. Because He knows that those very things will make us sick. Like when we ask for lots of money. Oh if we can only see the tears welling up in His eyes. And He also promises us, 'A day in eternity is coming when you can get all of Dada you want.'

- Bo Sanchez

Learn to say 'No'

There are a million things you can do. But what does God want for your life? If you don't learn to say 'No' to all the myriad of options life offers you, you'll not be able to focus on His specific mission for your life.

Do you have excess baggage in your life? Be careful. You may end up paying for it with your priceless soul Learn to say No sometimes. Your yes depends on it.

- Bo Sanchez

Free Will

All of us prepare our own lunch. If we don't like our jobs, the state of our relationships, what's happening to our spiritual lives, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Because God has given us free will.

- Bo Sanchez

Be Yourself (Part 2)

The most difficult thing in the world is to be who you are not. Pretending and trying to be someone else is the official pastime of the human race. And the easiest thing in the world is to be yourself. Be happy! Live!

- Bo Sanchez

Express your Love

Take time to express your love and appreciation for the people close to you. Tell them how much they mean to you. Don't ever assume that people know how you feel about them. Tell them. Nobody can be told too often that he or she is loved.


Life isn't about trying to be an expert in everything. It's about being an expert in one thing and offering it to the world. I've accepted the fact that because I'm human, I'm terrific in one thing, good at some, mediocre at a bit more, and terrible at others. And if you're human, you are too.

You'll have to discover the one thing that you are good at and major in it. What are the primary gifts that God had blessed you with? Answer that question well and you're one step closer to a life of peace, excitement and joy.

- Bo Sanchez

Try Again

Failures in life are courses with very high tuition fees. So I don't cut classes and miss my lessons: On Humility. On Patience. On Hope. On Asking Others for Help. On Listening to God. On Trying Again. On Trying Again and Again and Again..

- Bo Sanchez

Be Yourself

Some people want to shed a few pounds to look like Ally McBeal while others want to gain some baby fat to look like Drew Barrymore. Around the world, people aren't happy with their bodies and how we look. Listen carefully. The easiest thing in the world is to be yourself. There must be a reason why God made you tall or short or fat or thin or bumpy all over. And I guarantee you'll be happier with your life.

- Bo Sanchez

Fulfill your Promises

Never promise anything you can't deliver. And when you say you'll do something, follow through on it. A sure way to break trust with others is to fail to fulfill your commitments.


There are a few things in life that makes me go berserk. One of them is when someone says, "Im bored." I mean, how can anyone be bored in a world so beautiful and full and exciting as this planet we're living in? Write down your 100 dreams. It may just do strange things to you as well ; )

- Bo Sanchez


Mike Murdock said, "Popularity is when others like you. Happiness is when you like yourself." Do you like yourself? Do you enjoy being you? Don't wait to be discovered. Pray. Be quiet. Look within yourself through His eyes. Discover!


Love is giving oneself without expecting anything in return. If I want to get paid, then it isn't love. It's a business opportunity. Love isn't a business opportunity.

- Bo Sanchez

Give the blessings away

I still live the simple life. That has not changed. Never forget that to receive blessings is not the goal. The goal is to give the blessings away. Have fun giving them away!

- Bo Sanchez


The bottom line when it comes to integrity is that it allows others to trust you. And without trust, you have nothing.

TRUST is the single most important factor in personal and professional relationships. It is the glue that holds people together. And it is the key to becoming a person of influence.

- Maxwell

You are your own product

I believe how much you earn depends on one person: YOU!

You run your own service company, and the product of that company is you. So polish that product. Improve it daily. Make it the best product customers will die for. You run your company and you're the product.

- Bo Sanchez

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Track your spending

Get into a 7-day spending diagnosis. For 7 days, before leaving for work, tuck in your pocket a little notebook where you can jot down expenses everytime you purchase something. This 'diagnosis' will give you the wisdom where to cut back and do some 'radical surgery'.

- Bo Sanchez

Do you want to feel inner peace today?

The answer is radically simple. Let your motives be coherent with your inner conscience. If your motives go against your deepest values as held by your conscience, you will feel scattered and divided as a person.

- Bo Sanchez

Rich People (Part 2)

Some of the most insecure people I've met are very rich individuals who owns 17 homes. They feel naked when they dont wear their jewelry. I'll say it again. To feel worthy is a matter of loving yourself and allowing God to love you, accepting yourself as wonderful and special and beautiful. Don't use money so people will like you.

- Bo Sanchez

Rich People

Some people think that if you're earning too much money, you're automatically an evil. That's not true. Earning too much money may mean that God is lending you a lot more money so you could help the poor. He's merely using you as His conduit of blessings.

If you believe that all rich people are corrupt, crooks, and cheats, you wouldn't want to be one, right? So subconsciously, you'll find a way to avoid wealth. It's that simple. So examine how you view the rich. Do you resent them for being rich? Do you envy them for being where they are? Shun these thoughts. Don't believe that all rich people are cheats.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Are you a 'Workaholic' or a 'Lifeaholic'?

A Workaholic has no interest outside of work, cannot delegate, doesn't take vacations and feels that life if one huge problem.

A Lifeaholic has pleasurable interests outside his work, makes delegation his master skill, takes afternoon naps, personal retreats and feels that life is one mysterious and wonderful gift.

The choice is yours ; )

Employ Honest Communication

To be trustworthy, you have to be like a good musical composition; your words and music must match.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Have a Clean Heart!

Our bodies need regular washing because we get dirty everyday. But so do our hearts! Because each day, people hurt us, offend us, forget us, snub us, step on us, reject us.. But if we choose to forgive someone everyday, we cleanse our hearts! We wake up the next morning refreshed and pure and lovely :)