Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Think of Five Things to be Thankful For

I recall a few years back, I felt depressed. But I've discovered a way to get rid of my lousy feelings. Before I go to bed, I recall five things that happened during the day which I want to be thankful for. Because of this practice, the way I see life has changed. From the moment I wake up, my antenna are up, looking for the five things I'm going to be thankful for. Happiness is a choice. What will you choose?

- Bo Sanchez


I remember buying Sweepstakes tickets peddled by blind beggars. "Lord, make me win." I'd pray. Maybe God will reward me for helping the needy. Well, God totally ignored my prayers. He probably laughed aloud when He heard my plea, told the angels about it, who then giggled their wing feathers off. I thank God for loving me too much to grant my prayer. Who knows what trouble and heartache would have come if I won?

- Bo Sanchez